Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Month 2, Day 1

I've made it a month at my job. Every month our schedule changes, so it was a rush this morning to find new books, figure out new times for a lot of my classes, and meet a new kindergarten class that I will be teaching 40 minutes a day, plus meet random new students in a couple classes. And we had a field trip in the morning, so I experienced my first kindergarten field trip. It was a neat idea: "we're taking the kids to the farm to plant cabbage." In practice, it was the better part of 2 hours spent keeping kids corralled and entertained, and then about 5 minutes per class actually with the farmer planting the baby cabbage plants. I did enjoy the break from "No speaking Korean!" to see my kids actually interacting on their age level with their peers- you forget how well 4 year olds actually speak their native language when you only interact with them in a language they've been learning for 6 months.

The job is hard. The kids try my patience. Mostly what's been bugging me, though, has been my supervisor, because she somehow expects me to remember 1. what I'm supposed to do and 2. how to do it, when last month she did 90% of it (and the other 10% I did once, a month ago). But it was kind of funny when she got mad at me for asking her to help me find a teacher's edition for one of our books...she got all huffy and asked the desklady, who promptly informed her that she never ordered it. Hah!

So that's my life. I've been sick and culture shock is setting in, so I haven't been in the best mood lately, but hopefully that will change soon.

In other more exciting news, Charlie's in China! (Hopefully. He should have got to Hangzhou an hour or so ago if all went well.) If I get lucky I can maybe go visit at the beginning of October, when I have time off for Chuseok (Korean Thanskgiving).

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