Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday in Seoul

After my semi-walk in the park this morning, I hopped on the subway into Seoul to hang out with my friend Brian that I met at orientation. The plan had been to meet up and go to the Seoul Museum of Art to see the Renior exhibit that they have until next month...unfortunately I think everyone else in Seoul had the same idea. The line was about a mile long. So, that plan was scrapped. We ended up just walking around downtown. We stopped in a mall and Brian bought the camera he had been wanting, and then went like crazy tourists through the plaza and down to the Cheonggyecheon stream, stopping only for Smoothie King. ;) All in all it was a pretty fun day, and I took lots more pictures for you all to enjoy.
Some statue near the mall
A police bus. Apparently there's so many police they need buses to transport them.
Kids playing in the fountain while their parents look on from a nice (dry) distance

Brian in the front left corner, and some swirly ice cream cone-esque statue thingy

A pretty rainbow appeared in one of the many fountains in the stream

Lots of people playing in the water
Can you find me?

The Cheonggyecheon is a stream that had been buried under concrete in the 60's to make way for a road, and was uncovered in 2005, making a pretty park and green space for people to enjoy. It's a little below street level, so you don't see the cars going by and instead see lots of plants and lots of people enjoying themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...Seoul is beautiful! I am delighted to hear that you are having such a wonderful time. Great pics!
