Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lake Park, part 1

So about five blocks from my house is the (somewhat) famous Ilsan Lake Park- boasting the largest man-made lake in Asia apparently. Since I moved in I've been at the park almost everyday, so I figured it was high time to take the camera and get some pictures to share. Unfortunately, I forgot to clear the memory on my camera, meaning I got less than halfway before I ran out of space. I'll go back later and photograph the rest of it, but for now here are some highlights from this morning:

The mostly empty parking lot

Botanical gardens

Weird totem pole thingies

Lake! This is the natural part of the lake, the other side is man-made (that's the side I didn't get to)
The rainbow that lights up at night
Pretty view from one of the bridges
Looking through the trees
I really like this one

People out walking their dog
This is the last picture I managed to take...and I think it's also my favorite one.

There you have it folks. I'm off to Seoul to see a Renoir exhibit at the art museum and wander some, so you should be getting another post pretty soon. And I will go back to the park again and finish the tour.

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