Friday, October 30, 2009

My Babies' Non-Halloween

So today was supposed to be our kindergarten Halloween party at school. Originally they were going to go around to their apartment buildings and trick-or-treat for their mothers. Then plans changed and they decided to keep them all in the building and just have a party here. So this morning I was supposed to pass out the candy the mothers sent in and keep the kids entertained for 40 minutes before the party was supposed to start. At the hour of the party, however, we found out that one of my kids from my class who was absent today had swine flu, so they didn't want the kids to all be together so they cancelled the party. I was told to keep them busy just doing work and stuff, then about 10 minutes later they brought me a mask and told me to put it on...not sure why I needed one, seeing as how I was the only person in the room capable of covering my coughs and sneezes ;) Anyways, another 5 minutes pass and my coteacher comes and tells the kids to pack up, my students parents are coming to get them and they have to go home now. All this is going on and my kids are just looking at me going, "Adrienne teacher, why no Halloween?" I was sad for them, because we hyped up this party so much and then they got nothing really. So they're not coming back to school until Tuesday, and I had to go to the hospital with my coteacher to get tested, and then sent home for the day too. I actually do have a fever today (I thought so) but it's apparently not swine flu. So it's 3:30 and I'm home until this time Monday. I'm really sad that I'm missing today actually because I had all sorts of fun Halloween stuff ready for all my afternoon classes, and now I'm not going to be the one who does it with them.

Anyways, I'm glad I took my camera out first thing this morning and started taking pictures, so I actually have pictures of my kids in their costumes to show:
This is Tom (somebody from the movie Cars) and Ryn (Minnie Mouse)
Tom again, Joey (Spiderman) and John (a Power Ranger)
My only girls. Ryn again and Christina (a ladybug).
I took some pictures randomly as we were waiting for parents to come pick them up. I love this one because you can see the utter chaos I deal with nonstop with these kids- all the blurry arms and hands, everyone doing different things, no one sitting. Obviously this was a bit different because it really was kind of a free-for-all at this point, I was just the referee. I swear some days they get like this during class though too.
Here's my class: two Spidermans(men?), two Power Rangers, a Batman with a broken arm, a vampire, someone from Cars, and two girls hiding from the camera, plus one more boy home with swine flu.

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