Monday, December 28, 2009

I am still alive

Hey folks!
I realize I haven't made a post in over a month, but have no fear, the commies have not stolen me from my bed and locked me up...yet. It's been a busy month of moving, getting settled, being sick, going to Hong Kong, coming back and getting sick again, starting my new job, and then getting ready for Christmas.
For anyone out of the loop, I ditched Korea and am now living in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. I found a job at a language training school downtown, and a nice apartment to the northwest of the city. I will be posting a freak ton of pictures in the next couple of days, but for right now I have other more pressing things to take care of.
Shortly after moving here, I had to take a day trip to Hong Kong to get my work visa. Hong Kong was very beautiful, and I really liked it. It was still in the 70's in the beginning of December, and everything was really green and pretty, next to these huge skyscrapers and really modern downtown area. Basically, it's the best of Asia, with none of the bad stuff, and I salute England for creating such an awesome place. On the way home, however, I got stopped by Chinese immigration because the picture on my passport (taken when I was 19) does not look like me, apparently. They asked to see my driver's liscense, which is 3 years older than the passport, so then they still didn't believe me. It took 2 guys almost half an hour to decide to let me through, at which point I had missed my bus to the airport, and had to take the next one, resulting in me almost missing my flight back.
My job here is teaching English after school to kids, mostly around the 6-10 year range. The classes are evenings and weekends, 15 hours a weeks total. It's pretty easy, all they really want the native teachers to do is just play games and keep the kids happy, which isn't too hard. The hours are kind of annoying, but I knew that was going to be the case.
Me and Charlie decided to throw a Christmas Eve party, since that was my one day off last week. We invited a bunch of people to my new apartment, and had about 10 confirmations...until the last minute when they all cancelled. We ended up having just 3 people over, but it was still a nice dinner party. I cooked all the normal Christmas food (which is meatloaf, in my house) except for Charlie's sweet potato casserole, which he did himself. Afterwards we went to a nice restaurant/bar in town and had some wine. Christmas day we didn't do much, since I had to be at work that evening, but we did spend some time downtown just walking around.
It snowed yesterday, for the first time this winter. It was very pretty, but not much stuck, since it isn't quite cold enough. Nevertheless, Charlie was very excited, so we went to the lake and took some pictures, and just enjoyed it.
That's about all for now, I promise pictures by the end of the week.